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A somatic experience that combines self-care with purposeful
movement. Join Joseph Aldridge as he guides you through a
unique, experiential movement (yoga) class. Space is limited.
Send Venmo to pay + register.

Mindful Movement

Self-care with purposeful movement

4/13   4/27    5/4    5/11  |   9AM -10AM

$20 for single session | $75 for 4 sessions

2011 S. Florida Ave Lakeland, FL Suite 1

"I  met Shiloh at my husband’s gym,he is a personal trainer and Shiloh trains with him,one day he called me in to meet her and I gave her a hug and immediately she let me connect with her and I knew she was special and that we needed her in our lives❤️ My husband told me she was a “natural”nurse and my ears perked up,I have been having sessions with her ever since,learning so much information about my body and how whole food eating can help my cystic disease. I have made so much progress with her and all her knowledge. Shiloh studies up on whatever I tell her my body is struggling with and the next time we meet she has several pages for me to gleen from. I have made so much progress in so many ways with her. I now eat raw fruits,vegetables and nuts as medicine for my body instead of even processed “healthy” foods. I am so blessed to have her in my life as my health counselor nutritionist in optimal health. I know the Lord brought Shiloh to our family and I am so thankful!! She is a direct gift from God to us!!"

Organic Habits Coaching Client

Becky Aldridge

Kind Words

Let's hang on the Socials

