our story

Organic Habits was founded by Shiloh Guay after practicing conventional “care” for a decade as a registered nurse. She never felt like she fit into the conventional health model and found herself providing care and education to patients that went against her belief that nutrition and lifestyle changes should be the first step in healing.

After her personal struggle with mental and physical health, she knew it was time to take a leap of faith and prove it to herself as her very first client.
Fast forward, Shiloh is proof that by making small adjustments to our daily habits, we can naturally enhance our overall health and well-being.

Organic Habits exists to offer an alternative solution to traditional healthcare. 

We believe that feeling good shouldn't be complicated, and often, it starts with the micro choices we make each day. Through coaching and education, we focus on prevention and empowerment. 

Your health story matters. We're here to support you, naturally.

We offer simple solutions to support your physical well-being. We all know that exercise is important to physical health, but at the beginning of your journey that can be daunting. Adding small changes like getting 10 minutes of morning sun is scientifically proven to kick start your circadian rhythm and improve sleep patterns, which has profound effects on physical-being.

Most American’s are unaware of how harmful our food is. Processed food makes up 70% of the food supply. It is ridden with chemicals and preservatives that are linked to chronic and inflammatory diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. We help you learn how to identify harmful food additives, read labels, and choose foods that support optimal health.

We are surrounded by toxic chemicals that disrupt our hormones. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the products we clean with, and the hygiene products we use. We can teach you how to make simple changes in your home environment to reduce exposure to these toxins so that your home is your safe haven.

"I  have made so much progress with her and all her knowledge. Shiloh studies up on whatever I tell her my body is struggling with and the next time we meet she has several pages for me to gleen from. I have made so much progress in so many ways with her. I now eat raw fruits,vegetables and nuts as medicine for my body instead of even processed “healthy” foods."

- Becky A.

Physical well-being

Nutritional support

environmental wellness

Let's talk about what traditional medicine avoids

What do these three diagnoses have in common? 

If you've experienced any of these diagnoses, you likely left the doctor's office with more questions, feeling like you weren't heard.

Often times chronic inflammation leads to these diagnoses. But, there is a better way. At Organic Habits, we're taking a different approach that empowers you on your health journey.

Learn more

chronic fatigue, IBS, prediabetes...

Let's hang on the Socials

